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Your Sword for Justice.

Your Shield of Protection.
Your Sword for Justice.

Children’s Privacy Compromised

A federal lawsuit charges Amazon with children’s privacy compromise through its Alexa devices. Alexa is Amazon’s virtual assistant product. Amazon is being charged with making permanent recordings of children’s voices without their consent or their parents’ consent....

Summer Pet Safety Tips from Ziva

People ignore summer pet safety and hundreds of dogs and cats die every summer. A lot of other dogs and cats get really sick because their pet parents don’t do all they should to protect them. Mom (Bettina Altizer) is having a really busy week. I go to work with her...

Tornado Safety

Tornado safety is a relatively new concern for many of us in Virginia. Tornadoes seem to be occurring in many places where they have not occurred before. They are in urban areas and rural areas, high population areas and sparsely populated areas, in all parts of the...